Current Projects

  1. Investigation of long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) expression patterns in the grey and white matter of the human neocortex and determination of their role in molecular pathology of MSA; in collaboration with Prof Glenda Halliday from the Neuroscience Research Australia.

  2. Determination of the transcriptome perturbation in endometrial cancer; in collaboartion with Kyle Hoehn and Frances Byrne from School of BABS, UNSW Australia.

  3. Investigation of changes in transcriptome patterns during memory formation in primary hippocampal mouse neurons; in collaboration with Dr Vladimir Sytnyk from School of BABS, UNSW Australia.

  4. Investigation of the transcriptome specific for the mouse synaptosome and aging-related alterations in lncRNAs profiles; in collaboration with Prof. Thomas Arendt and Dr. Uwe Ueberham from the University of Leipzig, Germany.

Prospective Honour Students

There are a number of opportunities to perform honours project in the lab related to investigation of gene candidates, including long non-coding RNAs, involved in human brain physiology and neurodegenerative diseases. Please contact Michael to discuss research opportunities.